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2020's heroes....... today's zeroes.

Updated: Jan 11, 2022


  1. Send an email to the individuals listed below:

    1. City of Red Deer Councillors

    2. City of Red Deer COVID Committee Members

    3. Email addresses can be found here:

  2. Content of your email should be:

    1. Please read the impact statements noted in this link:

    2. Do you agree with AHS' decision to remove these highly qualified medical workers in the middle of a pandemic? If yes, please provide your reasoning.

    3. Even though healthcare is within the provincial jurisdiction, will you advocate for the return of these amazing members of our community back into the workforce?

    4. I ask that you please respond to my email by January 18, 2022.

    5. I also ask that you schedule a time to meet with me to discuss these issues further.

MRT, 21 years of service, Alberta Health Services, "Freedom is not negotiable."

I serve AHS as a medical radiation technologist, working full-time off shift hours, providing CT and general radiographic service to primarily emergency outpatients. When serving, I do not discriminate based on clinical history, race, social status, sexual orientation, faith, beliefs, opinions or even vaccination status. During the entire 19-20 months of this pandemic, I have not taken a single sick day, my shift schedule has been shuffled and I have taken straight pay when working more than six days in a row. Site Supervisor, Tracy Hawtin has sent me a couple of “Thank You” emails through AHS’ HR Recognition Services during the pandemic and can vouch for my loyal service. If I have served you in this manner, what justification do you have for declaring my service record void and that I am worthy of nothing more than the public and employment disgrace of leave without pay? Last year I was your “frontline hero” but today you loathe me and condemn me as a “safety risk”.

Testimony #1
Download PDF • 108KB

CLXT, 3 years of service, Alberta Health Services, "I may never be able to practice again."

This has been such an overwhelming and stressful time not knowing how I will provide financially for myself. Devastated over the fact that all of the hard work, time, money I have poured into this profession to improve my skills and abilities in the service that I provided to patients, I now realize the hopes of creating a better future for myself have been taken away from me. During the past 20 months of the pandemic, faithfully executing my duties as a Combined Laboratory and Xray Technologist serving rural laboratory and diagnostic imaging hospital sites without missing a single day of work and accommodating additional shift demands to cover for sick co-workers and staff shortages, I was considered by so many a "hero" and thanked for my service. However, in a blink of an eye, I am now treated as a "disease", a criminal or villain. This sudden change has been so demoralizing and heartbreaking, especially when the whole purpose, joy and fulfillment I get out of my job is caring for people. AHS unpaid LOA is premised on their notion that I am trying to intentionally cause harm and hurt to co-workers and patients.

Testimony #2
Download PDF • 50KB

RN, 35 years of service, Alberta Health Services, "Coercion is not consent."

Four years ago I began working at a private clinic here in Red Deer. Two weeks ago I was told with 48 hours notice that I could no longer enter the clinic and work face-to-face with the clients.

I am on a paid leave of absence and they are attempting to find me accommodation to work from home.

Unit Clerk, 15 years of service, Alberta Health Services, "Has history taught us nothing."

I worked at RDRH Emergency from Nov 20, 2006 to Aug 23, 2020. Moved to Vancouver island for a few months. Returned to AHS Jan 1, 2021 to Jan 12 @ Midnight due to forced unpaid LOA for vaccination mandate.

RN, 13 years of service, Alberta Health Services, "Fighting for our rights so our kids don't have to."

I took a 6 month leave July 1, 2021 due to the negative work environment and bullying that was going on then and that was before these mandates came into effect. I am due to return to my position January 1, 2022. I have expressed my wish to return to work but have been told I will be placed back on an unpaid leave without submitting my vaccine status.

HCA, 7.5 years of service, Covenant Care, "Disposable hero."

I worked as a Health Care Aide at Villa Marie Covenant Care for 7.5 years, and booted out as of December 1st. How convenient right before Christmas, while having a family with 2 small children. On my last shift I was crying to my residents, saying my last goodbyes (as they were hugging me crying as well) and my supervisor looked at me and kept walking. The

month of November, being able to work there after they pushed the first mandate was so awkward. My supervisor ignored me. My boss never once talked to me, never pulled me into the office to ask if I was doing ok or discuss anything. Beginning of December I

went to check my email and I was locked out. No notice. Nothing. I was unable to access my conversations, or my pay stubs. I was not let go because I was a terrible person, or a horrible worker. I had no choice, no voice. I was forced out of a place I loved, I had compassion for, my second home, the career I chose (and still paying for) a family bond I made with my residents, a "dream team" of coworkers, a place I never thought I would ever leave. I always made the joke that I had a room reserved for when I had to be put in a home. I absolutely loved that place, and everyone in it and all the joy it brought me. The past 2 years have been stressful, mentally exhausting and now I'm left with nothing. Absolutely nothing. I never even received a goodbye, or take care, no "thank you" for your hard work, or I know you will be ok. Not a single word.

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