Canada is a free country.
As such, our system of governance can be categorized into four broad levels of government or "spheres of influence".
Self: Personal freedom allows you to decide what to eat, how to dress, what level of education you want to complete, what career you want to pursue, where to live, among other decisions.
Family: This freedom affords you the right to determine the structure of your family, how to raise your children, the ability to make healthcare decisions that impact the family unit and others.
Church: Freedom of religion in Canada is protected by the Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. This applies to all religions, and to those who choose atheism. Religious organizations have the freedom to support their members and should not be restricted unless they infringe on other rights.
Civil: This sphere of influence is different than the others. Civil government, within a free nation, receives power through appointment. Civil government is to act within the best interests of those they represent. The spheres of "self", "family" and "church" should prosper through good leadership demonstrated by those elected to civil government. As civil government has the authority to tax and legislate, it needs to be reminiscent of where its power originates and mindful of the impacts it has on the other spheres.
Each group has authority to act within its sphere. When one group acts beyond its sphere of influence, it is incumbent on the other groups to push back. This is the premise of a democratic nation.
In 2020, civil government has been afforded significant influence outside of its sphere. With this extended power, civil government has restricted individual movements, limited family gatherings and shuttered churches.
Expanded influence was initially granted in March 2020 on the premise that civil government was acting in society's best interest and with the "greater good" in mind. Ten months later, the world has gained significant information relating to COVID-19. With the knowledge gained, why are the spheres of "self", "family" and "church" still restricted?
Why has civil government not relinquished its temporary boost in power?
Why is civil government looking to further expand this power now?
What is the impact of short-term spending on the long-term health of the economy?
Why are we valuing lives lost today over lives lost in the future?
Why are those willing to work not allowed to do so?
How will our great-great-great grandchildren repay the debt of 2020?
Why are some businesses deemed "non-essential"?
What is the long-term impact of lockdowns on the most vulnerable?
Why are we not allowed to make decisions in line with our own risk tolerance?
Why do the goalposts keep moving?
In a democratic nation, you are afforded the freedom to make decisions that align with your values. Are you being afforded this freedom?
Fear does not stop death. It stops life. (Vi Keeland) And worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles. It takes away today's peace.