Three years ago, when I ran in the federal election in Canada, I ran as a Libertarian candidate.
I took the position that everyone should be free to live their lives in a manner they chose as long as they didn't interfere with another individual's ability to live their life.
While I still support this position in a lot of respects (limited tax, vastly reduced red tape, freedom of speech, etc.), I have changed my position. I've realized that there is a case for God in government.
Throughout 2024 I have been working through a plan to read the Bible in a year. This has provided new insight into the role of God in the success of nations. In my opinion, nations that put God first prosper. Those who replace Him and worship idols (sex, greed, corruption, etc.) are punished.
When selecting an individual to lead a nation or your local council, I believe we need to support candidates that will implement laws that are in line with God's laws.
If we pursue God's purpose for our lives, we will be blessed. I believe this is evident in my own life and that of my family. The same applies to a nation as a whole.
While no candidate is perfect, God can use a leader for His purposes if that individual respects God's place within governance.
Americans didn't necessarily embrace a God focused direction for the country last night, but they did they reject the candidate that promoted policies that were undoubtedly against God's will (abortion, sex reassignment surgeries, weak borders, legalization of drugs, destruction of the nuclear family, etc.)
With that said, I hope Donald J. Trump and his team implement laws in accordance with God's purpose for the US.
Additionally, I hope that Canadians will select a leader that will also pursue God's purpose for this nation when we are afforded the chance to vote again.
When we put God first, we prosper.
Make God Great Again