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Updated: Jul 11, 2022

Open Letter to Canadians

June 10, 2021


Red Deer – Mountain View, AB

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 6(2)(b): Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of permanent resident in Canada has the right to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province.

15+ months of revolving lockdowns, impacting thousands of small businesses, have devastated the Canadian economy and more importantly, destroyed the dreams of millions of Canadians.

Just because government determines a business to be “non-essential”, does that mean that the business is not essential to the small business owner and the employees who rely on it to provide for their families?

If Canadians were afforded the ability to work during the pandemic, would they be better positioned to fight the virus if they ultimately contracted? Would they be in a better mental state to fight a physical virus if they had job security, money in their savings account and private health benefits in place?

Instead of paying Canadians to stay home for extended periods of time, why hasn’t government and public health focused on protecting the vulnerable and allowed the working well to pursue their dreams, support the economy (which funds the health care system) and provide for their families?

Why hasn’t government promoted prophylactic treatments to allow work to continue safely?

Isn’t this the point of Charter Rights? To protect the individual from government overreach, not the government from the overreach of each individual?

I may not work in your field of employment but I fully support your right to seek gainful employment and provide for your family, especially in the middle of a pandemic. Will you do the same for others?


Jared Pilon

Libertarian Party Candidate for Red Deer – Mountain View, AB

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