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If You Don’t Have Hate, You’re Hard to Manipulate

Open Letter to Canadians

October 26, 2021


Red Deer – Mountain View, AB

I wrote the following on my personal Facebook page on April 13, 2020: “As a CPA who works directly with small businesses, I feel I have a little insight on the difficult position many have been put in. While I agree that we all need to do the best we can to support the general health and welfare of the country, I feel like that the PSAs from governments, health organizations and celebrities advising everyone to stay home is easier to do when you collect a taxpayer funded salary or have a celebrity bank account balance. For small business owners, staying home is not as simple. Many have invested their entire life into their business. They create jobs for the community and sponsor local sports teams. They are now being asked to close their doors and take on additional debt. With no plan in place from governments as to when they can re-open, adding debt to pay for operating costs is not a viable option.”

Less than a month into government mandated business closures, I was advocating for them to reopen. Some sent me death wishes because of the stance I took. I advocated for business reopenings (still doing so to this day) not because I am callous or unaware of the facts of the situation we face. Rather it was (and still is) from a place of love and an understanding of the bigger picture.

  1. I stand for those being fired for their medical decisions as they will no longer be able to provide for their families.

  2. I stand for parents as no one is better equipped to make medical decisions for their children.

  3. I stand for opening access to long-term care facilities as mental health is vitally important.

  4. I stand for small business owner’s right to fully open their businesses without the use of unconstitutional health passports as business owners & patrons should be free to interact.

Mark 12:30-31: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

There are two sides to every story. If you don’t have hate, you’re hard to manipulate. Give it a try!


Jared Pilon

Libertarian Party of Canada

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